
Sunday, April 2, 2017

In Today's News: Sunday April 2, 2017-- "10 Hour Open MicA Response to Trump Budget Plan

KeroWACKED Multimedia Fest April 16, 2017

Free Tickets

Sun Sentinel
Cutting remarks

10-hour open mic a response to Trump budget plan

"Lest We Forget Project" by Rolando Chang Barrero (photo by Flavio Iryoda)

Sound OUT Loud is 10-hour free expression event. 
Organized by Artist Rolando Chang Barrero, who runs the 
ActivistArtistA Gallery in Boynton Beach and the Box Gallery in West Palm Beach, 
and Will Buckley, founder of

Exercise your First Amendment Rights and join us on 
Sunday, April 16 between 12 - 10 PM at the Boynton Beach Art District, located at 410 West Industrial Ave., Boynton Beach, Florida 33426, for a series of conversations about The First Amendment and key social programs that are at risk of defunding by the current administration.

If one, or more, of the organizations, or programs that you support are at risk we invite to 
join us and sound out loud! 
Please contact us asap if you would like to participate at

The objective is to allow individuals to speak from the heart about their concerns before
the three government funded programs that allow many, if not all, of our programs and projects to
be share with the public ends with this administration, hence silencing our voices and 
our access to the public. 
The most striking turn of events brought about by the new administration are their efforts to
circumvent the democratic process. President Trump, his advisors and cabinet
appointments are pushing hard to reinterpret the constitution and limit individual freedoms.
Donald Trump and his current administration has made it clear that the following vital programs will be defunded and terminated:

1. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is an American non-profit corporation created by
an act of the United States Congress and funded by the United States federal government
to promote and help support public broadcasting. 
Founder: Lyndon B. Johnson
Founded: November 7, 1967, United States of America
Headquarters: Washington, D.C.

2. The National Endowment for the Arts is an independent agency of the United States
federal government that offers support and funding for projects exhibiting artistic
Founder: Lyndon B. Johnson
Founded: 1965
Headquarters: Washington, D.C.

3. The National Endowment for the Humanities is an independent federal agency of the U.S.
government, established by the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of
Founded: September 29, 1965
Headquarters: Washington, D.C.

Now, more than ever, it is crucial for the public to understanding the Bill of Rights and how
it insures those freedoms.

The Bill of Rights:

“The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. Written by James
Madison in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for
individual liberties, the Bill of Rights lists specific prohibitions on governmental power.”
Bill of Rights Institute.

The First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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10 horas micrófono abierto una respuesta al plan de presupuesto Trump

Presidente Donald Trump ha presentado una propuesta de presupuesto que pide la eliminación de la financiación de la Fundación Nacional de las Artes y la Corporación para la Difusión Pública.
Otros recortes afectarían a los departamentos de Educación y de los programas de agricultura y Agencia de Protección Ambiental, entre muchos otros.
Artista Rolando Chang Barrero, que dirige la Galería ActivistArtistA en Boynton Beach y la Galería de la caja en West Palm Beach, y sus compañeros artistas están reaccionando a los recortes presupuestarios propuestos para el Fondo Nacional de las Artes.
Para su próximo KeroWACKED Show en el barrio de las artes Boynton Beach, Barrero dijo que está organizando “Sonido en voz alta,” un evento de micrófono abierto 10 horas para que la gente exprese sus derechos de la Primera Enmienda “como si ellos no pudieron tener esta oportunidad de nuevo. ”
Cuarenta personas tendrán su turno en el micrófono durante 15 minutos cada uno desde el mediodía a 10 pm 16 de abril a ActivistArtistA, 422 W. Industrial Ave. Correo electrónico para reservar un lugar.
Una exhibición de compañía, “Para que no olvidemos”, recuerda el Holocausto y los resultados de lo que sucede cuando el gobierno separa a las personas de la religión y / o nacionalidad, dijo Barrero.
“Las ideas de estos espectáculos se produjo como consecuencia directa de la situación política actual y las políticas de Trump,” dijo.
A nivel local, las agencias de servicios sociales están preocupados por lo que significan estos recortes para los residentes, especialmente los más vulnerables.

Visita para obtener información.