
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Business Examiner: Joseph Liberali on the Boynton Beach Art District

Coming In December!


December 20th 7-10 PM

Art Walk December 27th, 2012 from 6-10 PM

Business Events  |  October 24, 2012 |  By: Joseph Liberali

Thank you, Joseph Liberali. 

Boynton Beach Business Examiner

Joseph Liberali, writer and musician, has experience as a Foreclosure Counselor, Asset Manager, and Editor with The Wordsmithy, LLC working on Holocaust Survivor memoirs and historical research. Contact

This is the first article in an on-going series about the business being done in the 
Boynton Beach Art District
Rolando Chang Barrero is a very busy man. For over a year, the South Florida native has acted as patriarch to a collective cadre of artists whose skills' span across multiple genres of art from painting, writing, poetry, music, and sculptures.

Along with activists and organizers, they can all be found working myriad projects around the area of Palm Beach County bestowed with the moniker “Boynton Beach Art District”(BBAD).
BBAD has added credibility to Boynton Beach, a city sandwiched between popular hotspots Delray Beach and Lake Worth, making it often over-looked by the upturned noses of the Southern Floridian bourgeoisie.
But you wouldn't know it if you were to stand at 422 Industrial Avenue just off of Boynton Beach Boulevard and right near the exit to i95, where a tapestry of art expertly-smeared across a set of locally-owned garages on the edge of an industrial park can be viewed out in the open.
Rolando has opened and closed exhibitions from several artists through his workshop, ArtistActivistA, helped organize nonprofit events, volunteers regularly to paint with local kids, works with United Way PBC's  Paint UNITED project, produced a fresh body of work as an artist, still finds time to travel and view the work of South Florida's artists as potential recruits for his growing network, celebrated his 50th birthday, as well as the one year anniversary of his work, for which he was honored at the BBAD's recent "Golden Celebration".

Art buffs or anyone interested in something cool, genuine, and local are behooved to take note of this expanding community. There are live events and art sales there regularly. Rolando works there in his art studio, and Jonathan Fields has been there on and off working on one of the new epic murals there for the past few weeks.
Tiki Tom, yet another artist from the area, whose massive piece dons the parking lot at BBAD like a proud Easter Island Moai statue, collects the glass for his scultures from amongst strewn trash on the nearby beaches. He's also designing a series of statues for the city of Boynton Beach for the walk way to the inter-coastal off of Ocean Avenue and Federal Avenue, by the Two Georges Restaurant.
Another interesting personality hanging around the BBAD is local Poet and MC Renda Writer, who just closed the "Writing is on the Wall” exhibition. On any given day in the BBAD there is a cacophony of activity from a broad range of talent.
There's an upcoming event this Thursday, October 25th, the Soul Focus House, a haunted studio and mini-golf exhibit, will be in full effect that night, as well as live music and various artistic work for sale at the BBAD Art Walk .
BBAD is putting out an open call to vendors and artists to work these events and contribute. Contact Rolando Chang Barrero if you're interested in taking part.
___________The End___________

Coming In December!


December 20th 7-10 PM

For More information visit

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