Art + Music + Dance + Poetry + Flow + Readings
422 West Industrial Ave.
Boynton Beach, Florida 33426
Born on hearths of America's east coast, the animal that is Mylo Ranger is the last of an endangered species. This collection of young musicians has proven and will continue to prove itself to be troopers of a once loved, recently overlooked sound of music that embodies the heart and soul of our culture. Their music rings echoes of folk and alternative rock blended into a love child that is both nostalgic and progressive. Instrumentation that is both elegant and aggressive blusters over lyrics whose stories are as familiar yet introspective as one's deepest dreams.
The blood, sweat, and tears that were put forth in the production of their debut album – “Nameless Number One” are all in the name of Mylo Ranger's true love for the music, unity, and camaraderie. This LP was made in a heavily wooded garage deep within the bowels of Florida's great panhandle. Nothing but pure friendship and brotherly love is to blame for this authentic creation. This introductory chapter in the band's certain great journey is one that will move you and have you yearning for more.
Planting its feet on the soils of Southern Florida, Mylo Ranger will eventually travel across the land to embark on the mission for which it was born - to spread the message of common unity among society through the soaring clarities and muddy crunchiness that is and always will be rock & roll.
3rd Annual KeroWACKED Multimedia Fest
Live Bands! Food! Vendors!
Intersted in being a part of the this amazing love fest!?
We are looking for Artists, Food Vendors, Arts and Crafts Vendors Etc....
Performance Area 1 (Times TBA)
Vanya E'dan Dance Company
The PhilosoFires
and others....
2-3 PM Mylo Ranger
4-5 PM She's Neurotic
5-6 PM JC Dweyer of The Mobile Homies with Craig Mcinnis of Speaking Volumes
6-7 PM Sunny Devilles
7-8 PM Swampgrass Kin
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Stage 2 (Times TBA)
Dan York
Rod Dusinberre
Flint Blade
And the list will continue to grow!
Inconjuction with this event the
ActivistArtistA Gallery/Studio
ActivistArtistA Gallery
422 West Industrial Ave.
Boynton Beach, Florida 33426
April 20, 2014 to May 10, 2014
Reception: Sunday, April 20, 2014 | 2-8 PM
in conjuction with the 3rd Annual KeroWACKED Art, Music, and Dance Fest.
See more about KeroWACKED 2014 here:
Application info for exhibition:
Group Exhibition inspired by the post-World War II writers who came to prominence in the 1950s, as well as the cultural phenomena that they both documented and inspired. Central elements of "Beat" culture included rejection of received standards, innovations in style, experimentation with drugs, alternative sexualities, an interest in Eastern religion, a rejection of materialism, and explicit portrayals of the human condition.
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